Soft Earth Studio

Slow earth ceramics for the sensory-oriented.

Soft Earth Studio is a small batch, earth-inspired, ceramics studio. Focused on slow moments, sensorial experiences, and handicraft as a means of connection to earth and each other.

“iF YoU NoTiCe aNyTHiNG,

iT LeaDS you To NoTiCe


aND MoRe.”

—Mary Oliver

About Soft Earth Studio

I’m Jes, the maker behind the screen.

I’ve always loved working with my hands; knitting, sewing, gardening, baking, the list of my hobbies could be a mile long. I think there is something so magical about creating objects that you get to interact with on a daily basis. They take on a life of their own and hold the energy of the maker.

I began my pottery journey with a couple of classes in high school, then didn’t touch clay again for over a decade. It was fun, but I wasn’t a natural, and having the patience of a typical teenager, it didn’t stick. I’m not sure of the exact moment an interest in clay entered my consciousness again, but I felt myself being drawn to any handmade ceramics I came across. So, I got back to it.

I immediately fell in love with the lengthy process of creating functional wares from a ball of clay all the way to a finished, useable, object. It’s been such a meditative, and even devotional practice. As I’ve practiced, I’ve found much connection with the earth and myself.

For me, creating pottery is all about the slowness, the sensorial experience, and handicraft as a means of connection to earth and each other. I hope my pieces impart that energy to anyone who comes in contact with them.

“We are not separate from this Earth; we are a part of it, whether we fully feel it in our bodies yet or not.”

—Sharon Blackie